Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Help from Politicians?

So while watching WATE 6 Evening News I was very surprised to see a story that was on a lady who had apparantly received un-fathomable help from Congressman Duncan in reference to the lack of care taken by immigration on her childrens' applications for residency.

The gentleman relaying the story states that her waiting issue was handled and solved within four hours after reaching Duncan who apparently handles the same types of issues all the time. Wow. It's wonderful that they can have such an influential politician speak up for them as before they were merely like the rest of us going through tons of immigration stuff..Four hours. That's hard to even imagine something going that fast with USCIS.

With us, Senator Alexander has been more than helpful through all this....I did speak to the immigration representative in his office yesterday when she called to inform me that she sent another Congressional Inquiry yesterday morning for our I-601 backlog. She did state that the response should hopefully include how much longer we have to wait for an answer and more on the Pending Status. I can not even express how thankful I am for the Senator's great support!

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