Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Biggest Dream

If there is one thing I would tell people coming out of high school-go to school before you have kids!!
As I have to wait until the kids are sleeping to do school work, it really makes things difficult. I keep thinking if I try in the daytime they’ll get used to it but it seems like there’s constantly something needing Mami’s attention.
I know it will be worth the struggle in the long run so maybe the real solution to this stress overload when dealing with homework deadlines is just sitting back and re-visiting the bigger dreams that will be more attainable when I have a degree..So here goes..
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to someday have some land and start/direct a camp for children who are abused/neglected. I want to hire a psychologist and art therapist. Also provided at the camp would be horseback riding lessons, lessons to learn possible work traits (roofing, construction,etc), and instrumental classes. Since I’ve wanted to have this camp for so long, I really think that it’s something I need to keep pushing for rather than seeing it as unobtainable. I want to help change the future possibilities for all these kids out there that have had a rough start and may not have a support group that every child deserves. But let’s face it…as of right now I don’t have the knowledge to even know where to begin to fulfill such a dream…Much less know how to fill out papers for government funding grants or even all the disclosures needed to protect such a program when dealing with high-risk children.
Sooo…time to write my essay for Cultural Anthropology..In other words-Time to push through..Time to keep moving forward..
One day I want to say I feel truly successful and have somehow overcame all the stumbling blocks that could have possibly kept me from any true calling or positive impact I could have on others in the same situation..
Guess it’s time to start on that homework……

1 comment:

  1. Jacinda!! What a Beautiful blog!! Our family blog is practically growing weeds, haha. it's at Need to find time to update :) I hear ya on the kiddos and finishing school. I did get as far as my Associates, but once the kids came along (and while they're young) they need attention & mommy constantly. I've seen splendid examples of other mothers who remind me that yes you can do many things - paced, and in their season. Later I will persue academics again. Meanwhile there is so much to learn at home, and enjoy with my kids! I actually have a passionate dream to homeschool my children, since I was a young girl. I want to make that dream bloom! I just wanted to say too, PLEASE don't let "having a degree" stop you from creating your passionate dream!!!!!!!!!!! TRULY!!! One word: NETWORK. Inspire and FIND others - pray that God will send them to your path when the time is right! - that also wish to SERVE & BLESS and give of themselves to a CAUSE. So many people are a lot more willing than we think sometimes. I can see you being a WONDERFUL leader and camp "mother" of the kind of theraputic retreat. HOW AWESOME!!!! You might try to visit other similar camps or call and talk with them for direction in creating your dream for the future. God gives us the seed - the idea - the passion - and as you seek it IT WILL GROW!!! DO IT GIRL < ;D sorry looks like I wrote a novel here, lol! You take care, ya hear?! Love ya!!
